Pause & Punctuate

Mary Lynn Buchanan has thirty six thousands followers on the social media site Instagram , I’m flaneuring again , this time its digital , I’m intrigued by the lack of people in the forests and the sheer numbers on Instagram , Mary Lynn describes herself as a ‘Translator of the art world’, on her Instagram page  she has posted one thousand , six hundred and thirty digital images of herself in galleries with art works , I’m tempted to scroll to find one with a work by Joseph Beuys or a landscape . Mary Lynn isn’t alone , further clicks and swipes reveal thousands of people adopting her approach to ‘translation’ all with thousands of followers and all remediating art works from museums and galleries .

I enter a search on Instagram, # forest, thirty five million results, digital images uploaded by individuals, unlike the canvass however a lot of these forests include figures, many, like the man carrying the printed canvas of the forest on the high street seem strangely incongruous with their surroundings, and although none claim to be translators of the forest, they strike similar poses to Mary Lynn in Museums and Art Galleries and some are naked.

I screen grab a selection of images of Mary Lynn in front of art works , the choices more dictated by her pose rather than by the work of art , there is something , mannered , learned , mimetic or performed here , I also screen grab a selection from #forest , similar patterns .

Using my iPhone I edit the images, print them out and pin them on the wall alongside the digital forests, there seems to be a dialogue emerging.